Classic Romantic Comedy Films

It was the year 2010 when I got addicted into watching black and white films. Back then, I was just trying to watch one and I never expected that I will like them so much. Not all of course, only those in the genre of romantic comedy. Yeah, I’m shallow like that. I tried watching Citizen Kane but I honestly got bored… I really tried you know :(((

I remembered how I got so into those classic films. It all started when I was looking for good romantic comedy movies that I still haven’t watched. And then as I was surfing the net, I learned that the movie You’ve Got Mail (1998) is actually a remake of a 1940 film. I got curious so I got myself a copy of that movie (The Shop Around the Corner). I watched the film until the end and before I knew it, I was already getting myself copies of other classic romantic comedy films! Hahaha!

Okay, the thing about those films is that they are really cute and funny. And the romance that revolves around the main characters is pure, funny, and innocent. Of course the feeling was weird because the film is in black and white and… I don’t know but it felt so strange for me. It’s like I can’t, in any way, belong there. It’s like a completely different world.

At first I thought these kind of films will bore me but they are in fact very interesting. And I loved the way the actors do their job! And they talk so fast! But I didn’t mind it as long as I can understand what they’re saying.

The actors are so lovable. I can remember having a huge crush on Cary Grant and James Stewart. And of course Clark Gable! and his smirk! *swoon*

So I watched tons of those rom-com films back in that year when I got so much time to spend. And here are my favorites.

By the way, Gone with the Wind (1939) and Casablanca (1942) are not rom-com films. It’s just that I feel like I have to include those timeless films 😀 GWTW in particular left me in so much pain afterwards. Hell, the book got me crying for nights.

Here are a few of my favorite classic romantic comedy films:

*this is an edited repost of my old post in tumblr

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