Monty Python: Not Like Any Other

Yes, I’m one of those who adore these awesome men 🙂

British humor doesn’t really appeal to me that much but Monty Python really had me holding my stomach from so much laughter. They are just so outrageous and hilarious. But not in all of their works though, because I find some of Monty Python sketch scripts quite rancid for my taste. However, that didn’t stop me from seeing them as one of my favorites.

I remembered watching Eric Idle perform Always Look on the Bright Side of Life in the closing ceremonies of the London 2012 Olympics. Then I saw how old he looks now, and I remember all the others, then suddenly, the feeling of how much I loved him and the other Pythons in their movies and sketches came back to me.

I started to hear about Monty Python when I was in my first year of high school. I was reading this Harry Potter fan fiction and in there, Dudley Dursley is watching some Monty Python movie. I didn’t really care about it back then because I don’t really know anything about it, so I just ignored it. I was only able to recall it because Monty Python is quite a peculiar name.

I was already in college when I started to watch Monty Python films. And my goodness, they are freaking hilarious.

Their lines and jokes are witty, some are amusing, some jokes dip in political aspects, some are shallow but really entertaining, some are shallow to the point of being annoying, some offensive, some are intellectual and ruminant, but most are insanely funny. There are a few times that their jokes led me to profound thoughts (wth? but seriously).

But anyway, here are my two favorite Monty Python Films

Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Okay, actually I don’t know how to start with this. But I gotta say one thing, I won’t really mind watching this over and over again. Perhaps I would skip some scenes but seriously, this movie is so funny. I can remember the killer bunny… and the black knight… and sir robin… and that bridge keeper!!! Those scenes are so funny!

This movie basically takes the Legend of King Arthur on a noisily comical tone. Chapman played the lead role as King Arthur and I loved him. I also love Eric Idle as the “Brave Sir Robin.” The others are awesome as well.

Monty Python and the Life of Brian

I’m not sure if there are people who find this movie blasphemous but I don’t think it is. This satire is about the life story of a Jewish man mistaken to be the Messiah and refused to be one (because he’s really not the Messiah!). This Jewish man is named ”Brian” (Yes, they used the contemporary name Brian). The Three Kings mistakenly visited this boy on the day of his birth to present their gifts (in the movie, the real Jesus Christ was born next door) and then much more hilarity ensues when Brian became a man.

Chapman once again played the lead role as Brian in this movie and did great. Michael Palin was so awesome as Pilate! “Welease Bwian!”  That scene was so priceless (T.T) I remembered replaying those scenes of Pilate and his rhotacism. XD

And of course Eric Idle was great at his role as one of the crucified prisoners in the end, singing Always Look at Bright Side of Life.

*this is an edited repost of my old entry in my tumblr

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