Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special: The Day of the Doctor

The Day of the Doctor
Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary Special
Steven Moffat

This special episode is what had gotten me very excited this past weekend. And now after watching the episode, I can’t say I handled it pretty well… I mean, what Whovian can ever handle Tenth and Eleventh in one episode?!!! and Billie Piper and David Tennant ugh!

warning: not a formal review, too much fangirling incoming… 🙂

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Sci-Fi At Its Most Hilarious

by Douglas Adams
Published 1979

I always find this book in every “Books to Read Before You Die” list I come across in the Internet. It never became one of my priority books in line for pleasure reading because one, sci-fi is not really my thing, and two, I already watched the movie before when I was younger and I remember not liking it that much (probably because I never understood much of the story then). But then one time, when I got no more books to read, I decided to start on this one, like take a peek or something.

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