Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special: The Day of the Doctor

The Day of the Doctor
Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary Special
Steven Moffat

This special episode is what had gotten me very excited this past weekend. And now after watching the episode, I can’t say I handled it pretty well… I mean, what Whovian can ever handle Tenth and Eleventh in one episode?!!! and Billie Piper and David Tennant ugh!

warning: not a formal review, too much fangirling incoming… 🙂

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Orphan Black: ‘When did I Become Us?’

Orphan Black
Created by John Fawcett and Graeme Manson
Released March 2013 (Season 1 Completed, Season 2 Announced)
Starring Tatiana Maslany


Your life is a sh*t. You work as a thief and a con artist. You’re a single parent with a little girl who lives far from you. You’re broke. You need money. You left your town to see your child. You got off the train in this new city and while you’re walking down the station, something peculiar happened. There just by the railway, you saw a woman at the edge of the platform. She’s standing so close at the edge and in one step she’ll fall and get hit by the train. You stare at her, waiting to see what she’ll do. But before she did anything, she turned her head and she looked at you.

And then and there, you see her face. And her face looked exactly like yours.

You’re shocked. And you feel surprised more when she jumped while a train was approaching, killing herself.

With all these happening, what would you do?

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Jack the Giant Slayer: The Legends are True

Jack the Giant Slayer

Directed by Bryan Singer
Starring Nicholas Hoult, Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, and Eleanor Tomlinson
Released February 2013


The story of Jack and the Beanstalk isn’t really unknown to many of us, especially to kids. Jack the Giant Slayer is basically its film adaptation, with addition of more action and of course, romance.

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Sci-Fi At Its Most Hilarious

by Douglas Adams
Published 1979

I always find this book in every “Books to Read Before You Die” list I come across in the Internet. It never became one of my priority books in line for pleasure reading because one, sci-fi is not really my thing, and two, I already watched the movie before when I was younger and I remember not liking it that much (probably because I never understood much of the story then). But then one time, when I got no more books to read, I decided to start on this one, like take a peek or something.

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