Perks of Being a Wallflower: I swear in that moment, I understood what ‘Infinite’ really is

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
by Stephen Chbosky
First published 1999

perks_of_being_a_wallflower_book_cover The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a coming of age novel about 15 year old Charlie who is about to enter high school as a freshman, alone and without any friend. His only friend, Michael, has committed suicide before the school year starts. Now that’s quite different for a beginning of a book isn’t it? The entire book is basically Charlie’s letters to an anonymous person, a stranger. He writes these letters so he can cope with all the stress and anxiety of being alone, of being different, of being strange in the eyes of the people around him, of being a wallflower. Continue reading

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time: Being Different Can be Frightening, but Inspiring

a mystery novel by Mark Haddon

published May 2003


“I like it when it rains hard. It sounds like white noise everywhere, which is like silence but not empty.”

Christopher Boone is a 15 year old autistic kid who likes Sherlock Holmes and mathematics. One day he finds the neighbor’s dog dead with a garden fork sticking out of its body. He sees the entire event as a mystery to solve so he embarks on a journey to find out who’s behind the murder.

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The Graveyard Book: A Fine Tale of Adventure Towards Discovering Oneself

by Neil Gaiman

Published September 30, 2008

The Graveyard Book Cover

Neil Gaiman has always been one of my favorite authors. I know I’m too old for children’s novels but I really love his works. He takes me to fancy worlds that I enjoy so much. And among his books that I’ve read, The Graveyard Book is my favorite.

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Sci-Fi At Its Most Hilarious

by Douglas Adams
Published 1979

I always find this book in every “Books to Read Before You Die” list I come across in the Internet. It never became one of my priority books in line for pleasure reading because one, sci-fi is not really my thing, and two, I already watched the movie before when I was younger and I remember not liking it that much (probably because I never understood much of the story then). But then one time, when I got no more books to read, I decided to start on this one, like take a peek or something.

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