World War Z: What would you do in a Zombie Pandemic?

World War Z
Directed by Marc Forster

Starring Brad Pitt
Released June 2013


A morning that’s supposed to be one of those usual nice mornings turned out to be the start of an apocalyptic zombie pandemic that engulfed the whole city and then the rest of the world.

Former UN investigator Gerry Lane was on a traffic jam one morning together with his family. In a matter of minutes though, police bikes suddenly started to come running away, one by one, from the possible source of the heavy traffic. One of the police bikes had actually destroyed their car’s side mirror. Then a large truck come running as well, destroying the cars in front of it without any consideration. It was a sign of alarm already and so Gerry has started to move. Soon after, they found out what was happening.

Yes, people are becoming zombies, one by one, in a matter of seconds, after being bitten.

Gerry was able to save his family and take them to a safe place, after a lot of a suspenseful events, whew. But the story doesn’t end there. Because Gerry, is ten called by his UN colleague, and he was asked to investigate what in hell is causing this outbreak.


This film is definitely a must watch. However, the story isn’t entirely different from all the other zombie apocalypse stories that have been made. The only difference, probably, in here is that there is more scientific background about the cause of the zombie disease outbreak. There are social and political issues concerned as well.

I have a question though. The film says that the virus is spread in a matter of seconds when a person gets bit. That means the mode of transmission is through direct contact. Gerry had drops of zombie blood on his mouth. That means the zombie blood gets in his body through the mucous membrane, which is actually, a mode of direct contact. But he didn’t turn. My question is, how come?

Still, the possibility of not really having a drop inside his mouth is still there though. But… yeah.

Anyway, the point is, I really enjoyed the movie. There were so much action and suspense and I love how the story ended. I like it that Gerry, amidst all the zombies going around him, was able to get to different countries to find the cause and eventually find a vaccine to protect the people from the zombies.

Also, like I said before, I love happy endings (at least in the protagonist’s part). Excellent action, suspenseful film. Again, its a must watch.


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