St. Elmo’s Fire: What Happens After You Graduate?

Directed by Joel Schumacher
Released 1985


St. Elmo’s Fire is a coming of age film about seven friends struggling to keep up with the early stages of their adult lives, after they finished graduating from the university. There’s more drama and a lot more happens in this film as compared with The Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink. It’s nice to see Judd Nelson, Emilio Estevez and Ally Sheedy together again in a movie, after their film The Breakfast Club.

What made me watch this 80’s film is none other than the adorable Andrew McCarthy. Ever since I finished The Breakfast Club, I became interested in watching more American 80’s films. After watching Pretty in Pink, I got this crush on Andrew because of his really handsome face and wide charming blue eyes (gosh, swoon). Ally Sheedy is really pretty. Also, I realized Emma Watson looks so much like her! And Emilio Estevez is charming here in the film. Demi Moore is entertaining and Rob Lowe is hot and handsome. If Ally Sheedy made me think about Emma Watson, Rob Lowe did the same about Ian Somerhalder. ;P

The best scene in the film for me is Kevin’s (McCarthy) confession of love to Leslie (Sheedy). It was sweet and romantic and I found myself rewinding and playing the scene over and over again. And their love scene was kinda hot, yet still, very romantic.

Aside from that particular scene, I loved the witty and somehow profound dialogues from Kevin (McCarthy), Billy (Lowe) and Kirby (Estevez). And the friendship the seven protagonists share is admirable.

It ain’t a party ’til something gets broken.” – Billy

Love, love, you know what love is? Love is an illusion created by lawyer types like yourself to perpetuate another illusion called marriage to create the reality of divorce and then the illusionary need for divorce lawyers.” – Kevin

Drunk definitely, I don’t know if you could call it driving.” – Billy

I enjoy being afraid of Russia. It’s a harmless fear, but it makes America feel better, Russia gets an inflated sense of national worth from our paranoia. How’s that?” – Kevin

“Marriage is a concept invented by people who were lucky to make it to 20 without being eaten by dinosaurs. Marriage is obsolete.” – Kevin

“You know there are more people in law school right now than there are lawyers on the entire planet? Think about that.” – Kevin

“There are several quintessential moments in a man’s life: losing his virginity, getting married, becoming a father, and having the right girl smile at you.” – Kirby

“Used to be sex was the only free thing, No longer. Alimony… palimony… it’s all financial. Love is an illusion.” – Kevin

“Never trust a woman who says she isn’t angry.” – Kevin

“She is the only evidence of God I have seen with the exception of the mysterious force that removes one sock from the dryer every time I do my laundry.” – Kirby


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