St. Elmo’s Fire: What Happens After You Graduate?

Directed by Joel Schumacher
Released 1985


St. Elmo’s Fire is a coming of age film about seven friends struggling to keep up with the early stages of their adult lives, after they finished graduating from the university. There’s more drama and a lot more happens in this film as compared with The Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink. It’s nice to see Judd Nelson, Emilio Estevez and Ally Sheedy together again in a movie, after their film The Breakfast Club.

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Casanova: Brilliant, Hilarious Adaptation of Giacomo Casanova’s Adventures of Love

Released 2005
Produced by BBC
Written by Russell T. Davies
Directed by Sheree Folkson


This brilliant three-part series from BBC tells the tales of the legendary Giacomo Casanova on his life and love. The series is told by an old Casanova, played by Peter O’Toole, narrating his life story to a curious and very interested maid named Edith, played by the pretty Rose Byrne.

What led me into watching this series is none other than the 10th Doctor, David Tennant (*swoon*). He played the role of the young Casanova, who, according to the series, turned out to be very silent as a child and was continually ignored by his mother, before he becomes the legendary charmer and seducer that he is. And guess what changed him into that? Haha, okay not telling.

Anyway, the series is hilarious, widely entertaining, but with depth. I love the dynamic between Casanova and his manservant-slash-bestfriend Rocco. They are so sassy, funny and are really good to each other. However, although quite a lot of moments can be so funny, the series as a whole is in fact dark and saddening. After all, it’s about the life of Casanova, the lucky bastard who traveled around Europe, running as a fugitive, enjoying all the perks of his handsomeness, and secretly seeking for his one deepest love. Although he loved a lot of women and experienced great pleasures from each, he had never been together for a long time with his deepest love, Henriette.

I love the whole series. Aside from all the hilarious dialogues and great actors, the scenes are very artistically shot. There were no lame scenes, the tone and colors are enjoyable to the eyes. The costumes are nice as well. Well, overall, it’s just, fantastic! Haha!

